Council/Conference Suggested Actions

March 8, 2023


Reconciliation with Indigenous communities is a topic many of our members have an interest in taking some actions. The question is often…how or what can we do?

As a starting point, we must remember that any actions we may take should first be done after dialogue with the Indigenous community. This can mean a local First Nations, an Indigenous Friendship Centre, a Metis Nation council, or other related group. It can also mean the more personal engagement with Indigenous People through our regular services such as home visits, food banks, soup kitchens, thrift stores and shelters. Please remember the phrase…” Nothing about us without us”

As a point of initial contact with such organizations, this may help you:
First Nations of Ontario:
Indigenous Friendship Centres:
Metis Nation


  1. Include an Indigenous land acknowledgement (ILA) at all meetings. (Usually after opening prayer) You may access the attached link to prepare an ILA that is relative to your location. or
  2. Discuss resource material at meetings related to Indigenous history, culture, laws, and faith traditions.
  3. Review the Truth and Reconciliation recommendations and use for discussion topics at meetings. (There are 94 recommendations).
  4. Contact a local First Nations, Indigenous Friendship Centre or Metis Nations council and arrange for a meeting to listen and discuss the barriers, challenges, and injustices they may face in today’s world.
  5. Invite any local contacts you make to attend a future meeting to discuss various issues in #2 or some local history they may present. Personal stories are also a great way to learn and understand.
  6. Invite local contacts to join members and lead a smudging ceremony.
  7. If you have or form a committee for social justice invite one or more Indigenous members. Keep in mind they do not have to be Catholic or SSVP members.
  8. Consider having a Blanket exercise present at your parish or council level. Kairos Canada is one option for this presentation.
  9. Perhaps there are ways you may help with some of our charitable work.
  10. Attend a local Pow Wow to learn about this informative and exciting event