LITS - The planned events for 2023-2024 are

October 3, 2023

The Indigenous Sharing Circle
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Ontario
We are pleased to present via Zoom, a Four Session Learning and Sharing Series

You are invited to view “They Came for the Children” a five part documentary series produced by filmmaker Kevin Moynihan, on the residential schools and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The documentary will be delivered over four sessions. Each session will include a talking circle for participants led by an Indigenous Knowledge Keeper.

Session One: Wednesday, January 17th 6.30pm-8.30pm
Video is “Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts”
Presider is Tina Stevens
Session Two: Wednesday, February 21 st- 6.30pm-8.30pm.
Video are 1 & 2 .“They Came for the Children”
Presider is Tracey Whiteye
Session Three: Wednesday, March 20th- 6.30pm-8.30pm.
Video is 3. “They Came for the Children”
Residential school survivors tell their stories.
Presider is Mary-Anne Kechego.
Session Four: Wednesday, April 17th - 6.30pm-8.30pm.
Videos are 4 & 5. “They Came for the Children”
Presider is Gloria Thomson.

Please register at
Please specify which session you will attend or reply ALL if attending each session.
The number of participants at each session is limited to 25. Please register soon.
All councils are encouraged to select a member to attend each month.
Jim Paddon, Indigenous Sharing Circle