Holy Rosary Conference-Society of St. Vincent Paul
261 Plains Rd E, Burlington, ON L7T 2C7
Our current work for 2019, is to see how we understand and help the youth in our community facing homeless. The parish has demonstrated a tangible interest in supporting the efforts of the work of the Young Vincentians. Stephanie continues to provide the support and leadership to her peers and our potential youth to sustain our work.
Elske de Visch Eybergen
Holy Rosary Parish
Volunteer Portfolio-Young Vincentian Development/Social Justice/Food Security
Time Commitment- 2013-2019 (Grade 7- Grade 12)
Hours a week- Around 5 (number of hours spent working on website, social medias, baking for bake sales, volunteering at events, communicating with the Executive Team) over 250 hours
Young Vincentians Youth Group Co-President
In Grade 7, I saw a sign held up by a homeless man that read: "Some small change can make a big change". The sign referred to money. It was, however, a ‘eureka’ moment for me. I realized that it applied to any small positive change I could make that might bring about greater change. I was inspired to help others, and I saw an opportunity to translate my thoughts into action by joining my community’s charitable youth group, the Young Vincentians. The group had 12 members, aged 10-18, who met monthly and organized 3 fundraising events/year for various charitable causes.
In Grades 8/9, I assisted in the development of a pitch for us to fundraise for a "World Vision" initiative, where the funds we raised would give goats to families in Africa to sustainably support them with milk. There was a concern about engaging younger students so I suggested the concept of animals which appealed to the younger members. My pitch was successful, and my idea was implemented, raising $700 at the next bake sale to purchase animals for underdeveloped countries

In Grade 10, I was elected Vice President and took the initiative to establish an online presence, encouraging new members to join. I developed a social media platform to share pictures/information with large audiences and my current project is a website. Group membership increased by 30% and every year the amount of money we raise grows.
I regularly volunteer at Hampton Terrace Long Term Care Facility. Recognizing that our group members need to tangibly see the impact they have on others, I encouraged them to volunteer with me at the facility. They witnessed the longing of the older generation for youth’s companionship. For me, the biggest accomplishment was to see the kindness in the young children’s eyes as they sang alongside the sick/elderly. I mentor the youth through many experiences since I want to ensure that the next generation holds the same values as the root of the club to create a long-lasting impact. I knew that my goal of inspiring the youth to be leaders in service was realized when they express their joy and eagerness to return after each visit.
In Grades 11/12, I was elected Co-President and established a mission statement. My goals were; to empower the youth to lead effectively, to fundraise for local/global initiatives and to increase unity in our community. These goals would ensure the sustainability of the group while holding true to our purpose. I saw a transformation in group morale, as motivation increased with newfound success. We raised $1500+, through 3 bake sales and a soup night. Our funds went to a Haiti relief project and local organizations. Throughout my 6 years with the group, we have raised a total of $6583.20. I was recognized for volunteering with the club, by an award in 2018 from Aldershot Community Honour Roll. Our small local change has inspired a bigger global change and every year the number of people we impact increases.