organizational chart

The Regional Council of Ontario (ONRC)

Jurisdiction: The province of Ontario and the territory of Nunavut.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The ONRC coordinates the activities of the Conferences and Councils under its jurisdiction;
  • The ONRC encourages the education and the development of its members;
  • The ONRC promotes the expansion of the Society in Ontario;
  • The ONRC ensures that reporting Conferences and Councils are functioning in accordance with the Rule;
  • The ONRC promotes the recruitment of youth members within Ontario.
As well,
  • The ONRC will communicate all relevant information to the Councils and Isolated Conferences within its jurisdiction;
  • The ONRC will forward information and reports from them to the National Council;
  • The ONRC will support and implement national programs where applicable.

International confederation of the SSVP National Council of Canada Regional Council of Ontario central councils particular councils Conferences