North of 60 News

(posted: January 10, 2025)

North of 60 News

Sisters and Brothers,

The new year is upon us - in these precious initial moments, I pray Our Lord strengthens our energies, uplifts our hope, and continues to challenge us to be the best He created us all to be.

During Christmas I heard from a few of our Nunavut communities. There was so much joy and gratitude sent our way for the food and items we sent northward from Ontario Vincentians. I received several photos of families gathering food to bring to their meal tables. Father Helemba of Naujaat also sent photos of the home visits they made to families. He shared that it was -30 that day with wind to -40. The photo below is, in his words - a shack - yet a family’s home they delivered to. The family apologized for the barred window, they said - “it helps block more cold”.

Their heat and light is from candles - Father said the family was overjoyed with our Vincentian support. I quiver when I think it is only December with February weather yet to come.

Region of Ontario North of 60 will continue this year with the hope of supporting 9 communities. We had a successful 2024 summer sending sea containers and crates of food to our families but inflation hit the project extremely hard. Transportation costs were alarming North of 60 is blessed with partnership support from the Kivalliq Inuit Association (KIA) who generously share in the cost of the marine crossing costs for their communities. This is huge support however the Kitikmeot region has yet to partner with us. This is a factor I continue to pursue. ( prayers will help)

There are 2 communities who still hope to be adopted by a Council or Conference. Baker Lake in the Kivalliq region and Kugaaruk in the Kitikmeot region . Currently they receive crated food supported through designated pass ups to the project. We could not do the work we do without such crucial support.

The inflationary shock came from costs rooted in getting both sea cans and crates to the mission. The ships must anchor in high(deep) water. A barge is used to get everything to the shoreline and then the ship’s backhoe lifts the crates, containers to the mission. The hamlets do not own backhoes. These final steps are essential pieces to the delivery of our gift of food to the families.

As we begin this new year I am asking that you consider supporting this marvelous project. WE ARE making a huge difference in the lives of our Inuit families. They are so very grateful for our help. Please consider supporting North of 60 - any amount is fantastic - every penny builds trust, generates joy and happiness. Transportation needs your designated support. Should you want to learn more about our project - North of 60 - I will eagerly come to join your meeting to share my knowledge, my photos, my travels in the north. All of this journey can only continue with your support

To the many Vincentians who have been the backbone for the success of North of 60, the words thank you simply do not equate to the sincere deep, deep gratitiude I have for you. I am the conduit but you are the electricity!

I will be sending news of our 2025 action plans routinely. Please stay tuned. Please reach out to me with any and all questions - I want to hear from you

Until then, stay well and energized,

Pegg Leroux OR
National North of 60 chair
Ontario Region North of 60 chair