Inner Peace
September 1 2024
I would like to share with you a story I recently read.
Today in the supermarket I came across a grandfather and grandson walking in front of me. The grandson was screaming all the time and demanding something .
The grandfather stopped and said: "Calm down, Misha, you just need to calm down".
Even when the boy fell and started hitting the floor with his feet and hands, the grandfather still remained completely composed and just said: "Calm down, Misha. We will buy groceries and go home. That's all we need to do."...
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Announcement for Novena prayers
September 18, 2024
On September 27, 2024, the Vincentian community and the entire Church celebrates the memorial of St Vincent de Paul, our patron. On that day, the Church honours St Vincent and asks for his intercession so that the poor receive help from those around them. We are all urged to attend Mass that day and pray for the poor.

In order to spiritually prepare for this day, we are encouraged to pray the novena prayers for St Vincent de Paul. They are prayed for 9 days before the Memorial Day. The novena prayers are offered here. May St Vincent intercede for us and the poor...
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Notre Dame article – OTS donations
May 1, 2024
In our Street ministry there are so many groups that our SSVP Youth Conference are grateful for. From Corporate partners to high schools and elementary schools, other charitable organizations, fellow Vincentians from other Conferences within our Particular Council, the list goes on. We wish to highlight one group that surprised us this year with four collections.
This group that sticks out the most is our partnerships, Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School in London, ON...
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Youth Helping Youth
April 3, 2024
After a long COVID break, please join us once again in support of the right to learn by donating your used school supplies and other classroom items you no longer need...
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Oct 4 & 5, 2024
ONRC announces that its FALL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Friday, October 4th and Saturday, October 5th.

It will be hosted by Annunciation of Our Lord Church and Parish Centre in Hamilton.

The theme for this meeting is..."We are Diverse....We are One in Christ".

Hotel accommodations will be published soon.
Please download/scan/complete the registration form and email it to ASAP or before October 1, 2024 to help us with the planning and coordination of this event. Register early for the BUS TRIP to the stores as seats are limited.
Registration Form in MS Word
Program Schedule (updated)

October 19, 2024

Living our Eucharistic Mission
Presented by the SSVP Ontario Spirituality Team
Saturday October 19, 2024
10:00 am. To 12:00 noon

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We have updated the check lists for both Conferences and Councils.
Please see the new Orientation Checklist
and the new Annual Checklist

The Cycle of Poverty
September 3, 2024
The Public Policy Dialogue & Development committee (PPDD) of the Ontario region, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul shall address the cycle poverty in 2024. Just as charity and justice are inseparable components of the Society, we cannot talk about homelessness without taking about the cycle of poverty which in its extreme condition, can lead to homelessness....
(see further)

Social Justice Newsletter
September 3, 2024
Welcome to the first edition of our revised ONRC monthly social justice newsletter.
We shall publish during the first week of each month with distribution to every council and various social justice contacts and supporters across Ontario. It shall also be the ONRC website ( under the social justice heading. Each social justice heading has valuable resources and links that will enhance your efforts.

(see Newsletter Sep2024)

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