May 28, 2018

(posted: 2018)

Believe it or not –Gathering for North of 60 is on COUNT DOWN!!

Ottawa has been very busy gathering the much needed food items for our family friends in Rankin Inlet, plus some important items that Fr. Greg requested to make repairs in the church and his home. Special care was taken to purchase a new door and lock for the Sharing Centre, a treadmill to brighten up those long winter months, 3 toilets, a shower stall kit, and a 50 gallon hot water tank. Good to know for when you may decide to make that Northern visit !! However, everybody is excited to see the sea containers slowly but surely filling up and knowing everything will soon make their trip to the port in Montreal.

St. Raphael’s in Burlington are troopers. Parishioners are steadily bringing in food items and offering financial support to help them on this, their first sea container experience. Three local elementary schools pitched in and gathered sugar, shampoo, conditioner, pasta and sauce… what amazing effort wee hands can do!

St. Catharines has all energy a blazing!! This year they are gathering to fill 2 sea containers. They too reached out to Fr. Daniel and he has some special requests for his mission in Naujaat. Everyone is very busy and supporting huge smiles on their faces.

Windsor-Essex has been gathering for quite some time now. They only just received their sea container but it will be filled in no time flat. They make the busy bee seem idle!!

Saving the best to last – Southwestern Ontario Gleaners in Leamington made a most generous donation to NORTH of 60. They donated 8 skids of dehydrated vegetables and soup base for our Northern Families. This gift will greatly enrich their caribou stews and soups.

The second crossing is scheduled to sail the second week of July reaching our communities sometime in the first two weeks of September. Thank you everyone for your hard work and prayers – Bon Voyage!

Pegg Leroux, ONRC Vice-President

Loading the Ottawa west-end sea container heading to Rankin Inlet this summer!