2018 Summer Crossing - NORTH of 60(posted: August 1, 2018)Sisters and Brothers,
We have had another great year gathering food and household items for our northern sister and brothers. At this moment we have 6 sea containers waiting at the port to be boarded and shipped to their final destinations. This year there were so many new and exciting participants and they did an amazing job. Our youth from St. Francis High School in Catherine painted one side of each of their 2 sea cans. St. Anne’s Elementary School painted half of their sea container… Such talent… and an amazing way to say HI and engage the youth in the North to reach out to them. Take a look at their work…
Plus, so very important – YOU my sisters and brothers. Your pass-ups allowed us to send crates of food to Taloyoak, Baker Lake, and to top off food for Kugaaruk . These communities are hoping to be adopted by a conference or council for next year. I have recently returned from a meeting with the elders, youth, Sisters and Priests from Nunavut. There are 3 more communities who have shared the extent of their daily struggles to provide for their families. It will be our goal to investigate how, if possible, we can help them next year. Thank you for all your help in making their lives so much better! Pegg Leroux Chair North of 60 North of 602018 Summer Crossing - NORTH of 60 |