Social Justice - June Updates


The Public Policy Dialogue & Development (PPDD) committee is the social justice arm of the ONRC. Social Justice and Charity are the two inseparable Feet of Love of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. You can find a wealth of resources and information under the various headings in our social justice window. I would recommend you visit this website often as we add more information on a regular basis. Please use this information to inform and educate your council/conference membership on social justice topics.

The PPDD has several working groups for specific topics including our Indigenous Sharing Circle (ISC), Prison Ministry/Restorative Justice (PMRJ), The Advocacy Voice (TAV). You can also find valuable material for the ONRC Multi Cultural Diversity Committee. (MCDC). In addition to the MCDC, the PPDD places emphasizes Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in all of our social justice efforts.

There is also a monthly social justice update email that we send to all councils and social justice reps and supporters. All councils and conference are asked to share this monthly update with their members. If you do not receive a copy, you may request being added to our email list at

If we are to expand the knowledge and support base for social justice across Ontario it is important that every conference adds social justice to every meeting agenda and allow sufficient time to discuss the many and varied social justice issues. As part of our Indigenous reconciliation efforts, it is recommended that all meetings include a land acknowledgement. We can help you find a suitable one for your locality.

Your comments, questions and concerns about social justice issues are welcome.

Jim Paddon, Chair, PPDD.

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