Loaves and the Fishes

(August 1, 2024)

Loaves and the Fishes

The gospel tells us about the miracle Jesus did with five barley loaves of bread and two fish. He took this small amount of food and multiplied it so that more than five thousand people ate until they were full. Jesus got the loaves and fish from a boy who offered it to him. The boy shared it with Jesus. Jesus took it and did great things with it.

Andrew, Christ’s disciple, saw the boy with his food. He noticed them. Andrew encouraged the boy to give his little meal to Jesus. Then Jesus made this little gift into something great. Perhaps the boy was on his way to school and saw the crowds and followed them to Jesus. Then as evening drew near, he offered his meal to Jesus, to share. The boy trusted Jesus to use what he had to help others. He had something that no one else had.

Jesus gives all of us gifts to share. We often don’t see it within us. Often it takes someone else to show us. That’s what Andrew did with the little boy. Then we must have the courage to share it, like the little boy did. We have to be like Andrew and look at our friends and see the gifts that they have and ask them to come with us.

Summer is a time to sit back and look at our lives; to see where we are and where God wants us to be. It is a time to ask ourselves: do I truly believe that, by the grace of God, I have something unique to give to my brothers and sisters? Am I grateful to the Lord for the gifts with which He continuously manifests His love? Do I live sharing with others as a moment of encounter and mutual enrichment?

If we are, then ask for God’s grace to continue showing Him to the world. If not, then ask Him how you can contribute. Ask Him what do you have that you can share. It might be something unique that no one else has. Perhaps you are a good listener and would do wonders on a home visit. Maybe you are a good organizer and can help in a leadership role. Maybe you are a good cook and can bake some bread to give to others. Perhaps you can encourage others to join our work. This is what Vincentians do.

We can often say what Andrew said. “But what are they among so many people?” We can be discouraged and feel overwhelmed. If we all do our part, by the grace of God, the world will be a better place.

Deacon John Girolami DTS
SSVP Spiritual Advisor ONRC

Spirituality Corner

Monthly Reflections
by Deacon John Girolami,
Spiritual Advisor, ONRC