Giving Thanks

(October 1, 2016)

Give thanks in all circumstances
for this is God`s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1Thessalonians 5:18

October is the month of thanksgiving for Canadians. We all enjoy the long weekend that comes mid-month and the feast that accompanies the day. Don`t tell any of our American friends, but we did it first. If you remember your grade school history lessons on the explorers you might know that Martin Frobisher`s party celebrated the first thanksgiving in the new world in 1578. They listened to the ship`s chaplain and received communion as they thanked God for delivering them safely into what is now Nunavut. Or maybe Samuel de Champlain`s celebration in 1604 where he instituted the Order of Good Cheer and held a mighty feast rings a bell. Both of these happened well before the pilgrims held their thanksgiving in 1621 but Canadian modesty forbids us from spoiling the Americans` idea that their settlers held the first Thanksgiving.

Giving thanks to God was on my mind as September was ending. September is a great month for Vincentians. We celebrate the feast days of both our founder and our patron saint. Our conferences come together, renewed after summer holidays, prepared to face whatever the fall and winter hold.

On September 27 members of my home conference attended the feast day mass hosted by the newest conference in our Central Council. We saw that conference receive its certificate of aggregation and also watched the installation of 5 new conference presidents. How blessed we are! How inspired to go on with our mission to serve Christ in His poor!

It won`t always be easy. We might struggle with many issues. People can be difficult and situations heartbreaking. But no matter what we encounter we can handle it, with God`s help and the inspiration of those who came before us. Eucharist will help. The word is derived from the Greek for ‘thanksgiving`. When I receive Christ in the Eucharist, he is in me and with me. Together Jesus and I can accomplish God`s will and for this I am truly thankful.

Denise Bondy, Chair
ONRC Spirituality Committee

Spirituality Corner

Monthly Reflections
by Deacon John Girolami,
Spiritual Advisor, ONRC