St Vincent de Paul Fundraiser, St Michael's Conference, Ridgetown

(posted: May 28, 2013)

Untitled Document This spring when we presented our annual report to the parish, one of the parishioners noticed that we were running short of funds so she volunteered to organize a fundraiser . On Saturday April 27th there was a "scapbooking/ cardmaking day" including snacks, lunch, dinner and drinks

Over $500.00 profit was made which is enough to send an additional two children to summer camp .
Side benefits include a great time being had by all as well as raising our profile in our church community . I don't believe it is entirely a coincidence that we have been approached by two people considering joining us since having the fundraiser.

Project organiser Lisa Heil presenting profits to Vice-president Barbara Cooper and President Cathy Copeland ( on Right )

participants in
Scapbooking/cardmaking day

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