Year of the Young Vincentian

(posted: January 28, 2013)

Untitled Document Members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (Vincentians) seek to develop their awareness of God, develop their relationship with the poor, bear witness by acts of kindness in the spirit of Christ. In this year of the Young vincentian, how can schools participate?

  • Help Saint Vincent de Paul Conferences with the work they already do, such as packing Christmas/Easter baskets, helping with their soup kitchens, helping at the camps, helping in the stores, etc.

  • Start a Mini Vinnie Group (up to Grade 8) or a Youth Conference at High School level, and come up with their own projects to help those in need in their communities.

  • Participate in the Video Competition.

  • Participate in The Giant Sleep Out for Poverty.

  • Receive and read copy of our quarterly newsletter "The Vincentimes"
  • Read our web site
  • Come up with ideas how you can help us serve those in need in our communities.

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